High Speed Test for Assembled Daughtercards
- RAF/RAM Test Interface
- Fully Automatic Test
- AOI Connector Inspection
- Multiple boards can be testing at the same time for high volume applications
- RCI machine can easily be adapted to test Linecards/Daughtercards
- Unique mating connector modules allows up to 24 high speed nets to be tested simultaneously
- Board can be tested in either TDR mode or VNA mode
- 100% high speed net coverage
- Test capabilities include but not limited to impedance, IL. RL and skew in SE and DIFF modes
- Board mounting frames are lightly sprung loaded to allow for full and safe connector insertion
- Automatic module alignment allows for precise positioning of the mating connector prior to insertion
- Multiple units can be loaded into the machine at the same time
- Cassette based loading system with pneumatic clamps to aid a very fast load/unload process
- Two robotic heads can test simultaneously to maximise throughput
- AOI used for board/module alignment and connector inspection
To view the product video on Youku go to https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDE0MjQ0NTY3Mg==.html